Holy Shirt! has this wonderful Sports skirt and hoodie outfit that comes in 5 different colors, The jacket is just fab in many different way. I love the fact that it's not a fully zipped jacket and you get enough fresh air you need. And the skirt fits perfect on almost any body just make sure or don't have a overly big bottom :).

Body: <UTILIZATOR> - Avatar 2.0 - beta1.10b
Shoes: <UTILIZATOR> - Boots - White
Head: <UTILIZATOR> - M3 Mesh Anime Head 1.9.0
Hair: ~Tableau Vivant~ Sample hair - FatPack
HOLY SHIrT! Sports skirt and hoodie, blue
HOLY SHIrT! Sports skirt and hoodie, brown
HOLY SHIrT! Sports skirt and hoodie, orange
HOLY SHIrT! Sports skirt and hoodie, pink hippie
HOLY SHIrT! Sports skirt and hoodie, white
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